Integral Yoga & Vedic Counseling

with Zaria James

Explore your path toward healing & wisdom while participating in Positive Global Upshift! Open to your cosmic status, heal past wounds, and connect with your Inner Conscious Self with Yogic & Vedic Counseling

Weekly Classes - Online & In Person

  • Ayurvedic Self Care Group

    Thursday 12pm CST - 45 mins - Online Here!

    Come for the Luxury, stay because you fell asleep! Each week we will discuss principles and practices from Ayurveda connecting self care with ecosystem harmony. We will explore Ayurvedic self care practices, elemental meditations, and intuitive explorations. All are welcome!

    Purchase this pass for a drop in or go to the Membership or Yoga Pass Options!

  • Yoga Meditation with Zaria

    My classic Himalayan Yoga Meditation class - Online Here!

    Tuesdays 9am CST - 75 mins

    Each week we will explore the healing potential of yoga therapy and streams of yoga philosophy and practice. Systematically, we work our way through the levels of our being, inward. Classes are designed for all people.

    We practice the many techniques of yoga to gain skills that allow us to attain a state of peace, health, and loving awareness.

  • Gentle Yoga & Sound Healing at Public Space 1

    In Person - PS1 Close House, Iowa City

    Weekly: Tuesdays - 5:30-6:30pm CST

    I am proudly apart of the Public Space One Yoga Collective! Locally in Iowa City, IA, we offer gentle, trauma-informed yoga at a lovely communal arts center.

    3rd Friday Monthly - 7pm - Cosmic Resonance: Integral Sound Healing Experience

  • Harmony Fest 2024!

    Key Note Class: Yogic Vision! From Dissonance to Resonance - Join us in July in Cedar Rapids!

    Yoga and music belong together. One of the ways yogic traditions sees us is as multidimensional beings, as layers of vibration, frequency, and light, all emanating from a unified source in the field of Consciousness.

    How might this source of light and sound inform how we think, speak, and act? How might this source integrate us more deeply with the life and wonder of Earth outside our door? How might it guide us in finding healing and Self-Realization through balancing, calibrating, rejuvenating, and harmonizing?

    This practice will invite practitioners into an experience of the elements within and how the elements can serve as a pathway inside toward the Inner Conscious Self, or Ātman, and how our yoga practice can help us ‘tune’ our individual self to the Universal Self, Paramatman, and restore our connections as a species to the poetic and immutable laws of the biosphere and our lovely human family. ALL ARE WELCOME!

    Zaria is a lifelong student, Yoga Meditation Teacher and a student-practitioner of Āyurvedic Yoga Therapy & Vedic Counseling. Zaria’s practice and sharing involves a deep integration of spirituality and science, spiritual development as well as social development, exploring the intersections of ecology, sound healing, tantric yoga, and personal and collective liberation.

Integral Vedic Counseling is an approach to supporting individuals in their healing journey, evolution, and quest for wisdom. By seamlessly blending Integral Paradigm thinking with the wisdom of Integral Yoga of the Himalayan Tradition, Yoga Therapy, Āyurveda, Vedic Astrology, Energy Work, Integral Sound Healing, and guidance from The Akashic Records, I offer a holistic and transformative experience for all seeking alignment and growth on their spiritual path. Through this integrated approach, individuals can heal on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels, leading to profound personal evolution and a deeper connection with themselves and their Source, while participating in the change needed within the species at this time, naturally through a trauma-informed & humanitarian lens.

Wondering what all this is? Visit my ‘what is this?’ tab.

Integral Vedic Studio

The Integral Journey (1) — $350/mo

Join the Akashic Journey with Zaria! My membership offering provides a unique and enriching experience for individuals seeking spiritual growth and holistic wellness through the Integral Akashic Healing Method, the way Zaria shares teachings, practices, and her experiences working with the modalities above. For a monthly exchange of $350 ($600 Value!), members receive weekly one-on-one sessions with me each month, granting personalized guidance and support. They also enjoy weekly teachings delivered to their inbox and unlimited access to my weekly classes that cover a variety of concepts from yoga, Ayurveda, Vedic Astrology, and the Akashic Records, with rotating monthly themes. Members also enjoy reduced pricing on courses, workshops, and trainings, allowing members to further their spiritual journey at a lower cost. This offering provides exceptional value with its combination of personalized support, diverse resources, and inspiring geek-outs where cutting-edge science merges with ancient wisdom. Through this work and play, individuals can hangout with me, and delve deep within themselves, forging a profound connection with their Inner Self, Soul, Ecosystem, and Innate Guidance System.

The Integral Journey (2) - $250/mo

Join the Akashic Journey with Zaria! My membership offering provides a unique and enriching experience for individuals seeking spiritual growth and holistic wellness through the Integral Akashic Healing Method, the way Zaria shares teachings, practices, and her experiences working with the modalities above. For a monthly exchange of $250 ($400 Value!), members receive two one-on-one sessions with me each month, granting personalized guidance and support. They also enjoy weekly teachings delivered to their inbox and unlimited access to my weekly classes that cover a variety of concepts from yoga, Ayurveda, Vedic Astrology, and the Akashic Records, with rotating monthly themes. Members also enjoy reduced pricing on courses, workshops, and trainings, allowing members to further their spiritual journey at a lower cost. This offering provides exceptional value with its combination of personalized support, diverse resources, and inspiring geek-outs where cutting-edge science merges with ancient wisdom. Through this work and play, individuals can hang out with me, and delve deep within themselves, forging a profound connection with their Inner Self, Soul, Ecosystem, and Innate Guidance System.

The Landing Pad

Integral Recovery & Counseling

$550 - 8-Session Package

Have you been struggling to regain balance after some hard knocks? Trust me, I know how life goes. Join my intensive 8-week container designed for individuals facing crisis, acute grief, anxiety, depression, substance use, or spiritual emergencies. Working with Zaria, you will delve deep into healing practices, spiritual exploration, and personalized support to rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul. This program offers a care-full space for you to heal, grow, and evolve beyond whatever challenges, crisis or blocks you may be currently experiencing, online, in person, or in your home! I know you’ve got this.

Integral Vedic Counseling & Yoga Therapy

4 Sessions to Start - $350

With Integral Akashic Healing Sessions, we harness the profound wisdom of Integral Yoga, Ayurveda, Vedic Astrology, Sound Healing, and The Akashic Records to facilitate healing, spiritual growth, and the establishment of a conscious lifestyle. Through this work and play, individuals can delve deep within themselves, forging a profound connection with their Inner Self, Soul, and Innate Guidance System. First, we assess where you are, what your goals and interests are, and what energy is present for you at this point in your journey. Then we get into the good stuff, exploring your inner world, building rituals and practices for you and letting go of all that stands in the way of your Realization of your True Self!

Speaking, Officiating, Facilitation

Ceremonial, Ministerial, & Officiant Services

Discussion Based Pricing

Zaria is an Ordained Minister with the Universal Life Church as well as a student of Metaphysical Sciences with the International Metaphysical Ministry. With a deep reverence for Sacred Transition Points, Zaria offers soulful and heart-centered rituals, ceremonies, and services. Offerings include:

  • Weddings

  • Seasonal/Life Transitions

  • Funerals

  • Baptisms

  • House Clearings & House Warmings

  • Separation Ceremonies (Divorce)

  • Psychedelic Sacrament Ceremonies (Prep and Integration support for Individuals or Small Groups)

  • Dharma Talks or Universalist Sermons

  • Spiritual Counseling

Keynote Speaking, Yoga Teacher Trainings, Modules for Ayurveda & Yoga Therapy Schools

Discussion Based Pricing

Zaria is a student and sharer in the Vedic, Akashic, and Integral Paradigms. With a background in social work, equity, and inclusion facilitation, Zaria is well situated to catalyze, inspire, and enlighten your audience, students, or faculty. Topics include but are not limited to:

  • Integral Yoga, Ayurveda, and Vedic Counseling

  • Akashic Science & Akashic Records

  • Wise Use of Psychedelics & Yoga

  • Queer & Trans Inclusion & Celebration

  • Yoga for Human Service Agencies & Social Workers

  • Yoga, Social Justice, and Spiritual Activism

  • Intuitive Development

The Akashic School

Courses & Embodied Learning Experiences - Geek out with me!

My journey has been nothing short of wild. The biggest thing that helped me grow on my path is the grace of paradigm and worldview-shifting learning, experience, and training. We have to see that we are the universe to participate in the evolution that humanity is being called to participate in at this time. Join me for mind-blowing, heart-opening, and inspiring learning. Each course or learning experience includes integrative practices so the wisdom can be downloaded into the body and psyche and not just stay trapped in your intellectual mind.

Stay tuned for upcoming groups, programs, and courses!

Book a class, appointment, or purchase a subscription or package.

Cosmic Transformation Awaits!

Are you ready to embark on a cosmic journey of transformation and manifestation? Dive deep into the realms of your soul's desires and unlock the infinite potential that resides within you. Embrace YOUR magic through the offerings you see here, I can be worked with as a sacred tool to illuminate your path and truest heart resonance. Let me guide you through the mystical art of Self-Realization. Together, we will weave a tapestry of connection, authenticity, and enchantment that will elevate your voice and your life experience. Don't wait any longer – let your essence shine through, and watch as the universe conspires in your favor. Purchase your ticket to this ethereal adventure today, and witness the miracles unfold before your eyes.