Get to Know

Zaria James

Zaria James (she/her) is a lifelong student, Ma devotee, Modern Mystic, Medicine Woman, Oracle, Spiritual Teacher, and Intuitive Healer. A challenging childhood woke Zaria up fairly early to her calling in Life. She has dedicated her heart to the esoteric sciences, wisdom traditions, psychology, philosophy, and healing on all levels. Before finding her way to the holistic healing path, Zaria got a start in operations management and leadership, human rights work, social justice, and community organizing. She has gained experience working for nonprofits serving various populations and offering/developing yoga therapy and holistic health programming. She has also served on multiple non-profit boards.

Over the last eight years, Zaria has been undergoing intense study and initiation in multiple wisdom and healing streams to best offer her gifts, talents, and abilities. She has synthesized her experience with Integral Yoga, Ayurveda, Vedic Counseling, Astrology, Shamanism, The Akashic Records, Social Work Paradigms, Integral Paradigms, Sound Healing, and Metaphysical Ministerial Training into her Integral Akashic Healing Method.

Zaria is an initiate in the Himalayan Yoga Tradition, an RYT-500, Trauma Recovery Yoga Teacher, an Accessible Yoga Ambassador, an Akashic Records Practitioner and Teacher, a Certified Vedic, Yogic and Intuitive Counselor, Integral Sound Healer, an Ordained Minister, and a Student-Practitioner of Yoga Therapy & Ayurveda.

A full-time geek, Zaria expresses gratitude to Inner Peace Yoga Therapy, YogaVeda Institute, The American Institute of Vedic Studies, The Vedic Management Center, The Ignite Institute for Leadership & Social Change, OneIowa, The Sound Healing Academy, The University of Metaphysical Sciences, The University of Metaphysics, and the Scandinavian Center for Shamanic Studies

May we bow to the lineage of realized beings from all the world’s guiding traditions, and may we live with Divine Love in our hearts as we honor The Living Divine in All Being, known by Many Names.

Care & Cultural Competence:

All these modalities I work with come from our One Source. However, there have been generations and generations of wisdom keepers, medicine stewards, sages, seers, and saints all lovingly preserving these traditions that are not of my blood lineage, but of my karmic and spiritual. In our current era under colonial capitalism, appropriation, commodification and consumerism have caused an immense amount of harm, diluted teachings, brought down the quality of trainings, and has created an ecosystem of theft rather than one of reciprocity. It is crucial that we understand traditions on their own terms, engage spirituality from a humanitarian and collective liberation lens and that we ensure we take care to increase our cultural competency skills in order to honor the stewards of these streams while sharing Sacred Medicine with the Earth and creating new systems beyond those of violence, exploitation, and domination.

Embrace the Cosmic Journey