Blog Post Title One

Liberation is always on my heart. I seek to know how we can realize our essential freedom so we can create and structure systems that reflect this freedom and allow us to experience this while we are embodied. There is something to an endless search for liberation that keeps this whole thing churning. When you are quiet, what possible futures do you see?

When I tap in and find my authentic voice, I only desire to speak of moksha. I am strongly pulled toward liberation, enlightenment, and Self-Realization. I find myself in a moment of such tenderness as I grow more comfortable with my True Self. This growth and shift of consciousness is uncomfortable, although it has been exciting. The more I go down the path I am on, the more sensitive I become. It has felt impossible for me to sit down and write and share my thoughts with the world because the climate feels so intense, so vitriolic. Why would I share my heart with the masses of cruelty and open myself up to hate and abuse? It’s funny, as someone who has really leaned into the activist archetype throughout my twenties, I only seek to speak of love now. Love, healing, and the sacred connection with our Divine Source.

I really wish that people were coming to yoga classes for spiritual liberation. I desire to attract people who want to study the Self. I want fun study in mysticism, magic, and intuitive development as well as yoga texts, traditional Vedic spirituality, and indic philosophy and morality. I am an integralist, which means I seek to find commonality and connection between all of the Earth’s wisdom traditions.

Maybe I am just getting more used to how this voice of mine sounds now that I am a bit more established in myself. I do not think that the things I want to share are awful or horrid. I just feel like I am too bold sometimes and perhaps that scares me. I don’t want to create more unnecessary karma. Of course the imposter syndrome is real, always fearing I do not know enough about the topic I love and seek to write about. It is clear to me that I am here to help others evolve along their spiritual path as I continue along on mine. It is why I am in the thick of it right now, I am so willing to go through this so I can be the leader, caretaker, and guide that I am meant to be. And there is seriously no ego trip here for me. It is a sacred duty that comes with incredible responsibility and a high standard of care and ethics. My life has clearly been preparing me for this role of leadership that I am seeking to step into. But it is going to be leadership in my own domain. It does not have to be leadership in an organization that is going to waste my time, suck the life out of me, and leave me dry at the end.

I know right now that I am a good guide for yoga meditation. I can’t help the fact that I am a healing arts practitioner that has studied various streams and seeks to integrate them in a cohesive fashion that tends to the people I serve now. I probably need to get out of the just yoga box, but how???


Mysticism & Morality